Bill Rosenberg's Speech To CAFCA AGM: "Forward & Leftward"

CAFCA Members,

This is Bill Rosenberg’s speech presented to the Annual General Meeting on September 7th. It is an excellent overview of the issue of foreign control over the 35 years of CAFCA’s existence, mixed with a critical analysis of CAFCA’s work over that period.

The first link is to the text only version.

The second one is to the PowerPoint slides. I would particularly recommend that you have a look at them, as they will not be published in Watchdog – for the simple reason that they are in colour and Watchdog is printed in black and white. A sample few of these graphs will illustrate the text version in the December Watchdog.

If you can’t open these Links, for any reason, you will find both the text and slides at the CAFCA Website (address below), Views, Analyses, Research page, click on Miscellany.

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